It's cold outside tonight, hay that's november for ya. Snow Ice and minus degrees c who knows weather.
but Most of us only have to move through it. not live in it.
I went to Homefest today and lisened to some great artists talk, sing and inform us about the plight of the homeless.
more then 2000 people are out there tonight in the cold with out a place to lie down. some of them are lucky enough to be able to couch surf, but not all.
the Waiting list for low income housing is over a year long
and most shockingly if 1% of the governments annuel budget was spent on this issue it would no longer egsist.
it's not just single males out there or drugeys and drunks like some would have you think. there is Familys, Men women and children. there are people with money and jobs, educations. they just didn't find the luckto have a place to lay there heads.
think about that. next time your complaining about shoveling your walk, about the size of your garage(you could probobly sleep two familys in it anyway.)or the raising property taxes and rent/house payments.
How can each of us help, this is how. Spread the words talk about it. care!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
In an alternatve reality this rant/poem is not sarcastic
Are you sick and tired of all this equality in the world
all this peace has got to go.
the left wing government has messed up this country to no end
there is no rich or poor yet everyone's got what they need
I'm sick of it all Think I'll start a war
it'll be hard since there's really not much to fight over
borders were erased years ago, and all the resourses are shared
we've realised that were animals and returned to the cycle
religions have become a personal experiance that is shared for enlightment
prejudice is gone because the blood in all womans vains
has been mixed like a rainbow in a blender were all just humans now
I'm sick of it all, what were we thinking, got to do something
Think I'll build a wall to stand behind
Better start a war
Maybe I could..could build a bomb but for that I'd need a factory
and they went out with green house gas.
The peacefull revolution against the oil, and polution
we never thought it would last...but it did now that's past
living human powered combined with solar energy
makes it preety hard to fly destruction overseas.
But I've got to do something, this co-egsistance must come to an end
got to start a war
are you with me
pick up a rock and hurt someone
are you with me
sharpen your tools turn your farms into fuel for the fight
are you with me
build a better weapon to keep the others down
lift your hands to the sky and fight just to fight
pick a leader, pick a reason, I Don't care
I'm the last of my kind and I'm going Extinct
I'm the last War-monger doesn't it make sence
we've got to stand with our backs to reality
Slice down all those who appose us with there non-violance
Have you got a better idea, a Solution to all this hope and happyness
Don't we need a little more fear and hate in this world
come on march behind me, close your free minds,
Don't you see that by making the world a worse place for someone else
you make it better for yourself
because were not the same as them so they ought to be worse off then us
Doesn't that make sence, Logical isn't it!
So help me start a war
we've got to start a war
everbody needs a war
what better solotion could there be
then starting a war
It's time for a WAR
say it with me
scream it with me
PEACE -in honour of the 3000 some odd years in which people have been fighting
for reasons I can't comprehend. I cry
all this peace has got to go.
the left wing government has messed up this country to no end
there is no rich or poor yet everyone's got what they need
I'm sick of it all Think I'll start a war
it'll be hard since there's really not much to fight over
borders were erased years ago, and all the resourses are shared
we've realised that were animals and returned to the cycle
religions have become a personal experiance that is shared for enlightment
prejudice is gone because the blood in all womans vains
has been mixed like a rainbow in a blender were all just humans now
I'm sick of it all, what were we thinking, got to do something
Think I'll build a wall to stand behind
Better start a war
Maybe I could..could build a bomb but for that I'd need a factory
and they went out with green house gas.
The peacefull revolution against the oil, and polution
we never thought it would last...but it did now that's past
living human powered combined with solar energy
makes it preety hard to fly destruction overseas.
But I've got to do something, this co-egsistance must come to an end
got to start a war
are you with me
pick up a rock and hurt someone
are you with me
sharpen your tools turn your farms into fuel for the fight
are you with me
build a better weapon to keep the others down
lift your hands to the sky and fight just to fight
pick a leader, pick a reason, I Don't care
I'm the last of my kind and I'm going Extinct
I'm the last War-monger doesn't it make sence
we've got to stand with our backs to reality
Slice down all those who appose us with there non-violance
Have you got a better idea, a Solution to all this hope and happyness
Don't we need a little more fear and hate in this world
come on march behind me, close your free minds,
Don't you see that by making the world a worse place for someone else
you make it better for yourself
because were not the same as them so they ought to be worse off then us
Doesn't that make sence, Logical isn't it!
So help me start a war
we've got to start a war
everbody needs a war
what better solotion could there be
then starting a war
It's time for a WAR
say it with me
scream it with me
PEACE -in honour of the 3000 some odd years in which people have been fighting
for reasons I can't comprehend. I cry
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Days and Months forget about the years
So I have known for some time that our English version of the gregorian calandar had pagon/norse names for the days of the week. So I decided to investigate a little more about this.
and I found this neat little table and info on a article about mounths
Seven was chosen apparently in acknowledgment of the Genesis story where God rested on the seventh day[saterday not sunday] although there is a strong suggestion that it reflected the seven pagan gods visible in the sky as the planets, sun and moon
The names of the days in Latin countries are sensibly the Roman gods but the English ones are mostly the equivalent Nordic gods.
Sunday (sun) = Dimanche (dies Domini, Lord's day)
Monday (moon) = Lundi (moon)
Tuesday (Tiw) = Mardi (Mars, god of war)
Wednesday (Woden, Odin) = Mercredi (Mercury, messenger god)
Thursday (Thor) = Jeudi (Jove, Jupiter, top god)
Friday (Frigg, Freya) = Vendredi (Venus, god of love)
Saturday (Saturn, Roman god of agriculture) = Samedi (Sabbath day)
now I knew the Norse references but not the latin ones, or the planet info.
I was also curious about where the names of the mounths came from and found this on info please
January: named after Janus, the god of doors and gates
February: named after Februalia, a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins
March: named after Mars, the god of war
April: from aperire, Latin for “to open” (buds)
May: named after Maia, the goddess of growth of plants
June: from junius, Latin for the goddess Juno
July: named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.
August: named after Augustus Caesar in 8 B.C.
September: from septem, Latin for “seven”
October: from octo, Latin for “eight”
November: from novem, Latin for “nine”
December: from decem, Latin for “ten”
NOTE: The earliest Latin calendar was a 10-month one, beginning with March; thus, September was the seventh month, October, the eighth, etc. July was originally called Quintilis, meaning fifth; August was originally called Sextilis, meaning sixth.
now other sources told me that the mounth names of July and August were changed to roman emperers names because they did great work on the calandar. suposedly Julius Caesar brought the idea of a solar calandar back with him from Egypt, and so they honoured him with a month name in between the gods and the numbers. Augustus was rome's first emporer and helped wth calculating leap years.
the gregorian calandar we use is pope gregory XIII final version. and I find it very interesting that our christion based calandar has so many pagon/mythical references
so there's a wee bit of inane info you can think about next time your looking at your calandar. and hay there not done, there is people who are still patitioning the UN to change the Calandar.
and I found this neat little table and info on a article about mounths
Seven was chosen apparently in acknowledgment of the Genesis story where God rested on the seventh day[saterday not sunday] although there is a strong suggestion that it reflected the seven pagan gods visible in the sky as the planets, sun and moon
The names of the days in Latin countries are sensibly the Roman gods but the English ones are mostly the equivalent Nordic gods.
Sunday (sun) = Dimanche (dies Domini, Lord's day)
Monday (moon) = Lundi (moon)
Tuesday (Tiw) = Mardi (Mars, god of war)
Wednesday (Woden, Odin) = Mercredi (Mercury, messenger god)
Thursday (Thor) = Jeudi (Jove, Jupiter, top god)
Friday (Frigg, Freya) = Vendredi (Venus, god of love)
Saturday (Saturn, Roman god of agriculture) = Samedi (Sabbath day)
now I knew the Norse references but not the latin ones, or the planet info.
I was also curious about where the names of the mounths came from and found this on info please
January: named after Janus, the god of doors and gates
February: named after Februalia, a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins
March: named after Mars, the god of war
April: from aperire, Latin for “to open” (buds)
May: named after Maia, the goddess of growth of plants
June: from junius, Latin for the goddess Juno
July: named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.
August: named after Augustus Caesar in 8 B.C.
September: from septem, Latin for “seven”
October: from octo, Latin for “eight”
November: from novem, Latin for “nine”
December: from decem, Latin for “ten”
NOTE: The earliest Latin calendar was a 10-month one, beginning with March; thus, September was the seventh month, October, the eighth, etc. July was originally called Quintilis, meaning fifth; August was originally called Sextilis, meaning sixth.
now other sources told me that the mounth names of July and August were changed to roman emperers names because they did great work on the calandar. suposedly Julius Caesar brought the idea of a solar calandar back with him from Egypt, and so they honoured him with a month name in between the gods and the numbers. Augustus was rome's first emporer and helped wth calculating leap years.
the gregorian calandar we use is pope gregory XIII final version. and I find it very interesting that our christion based calandar has so many pagon/mythical references
so there's a wee bit of inane info you can think about next time your looking at your calandar. and hay there not done, there is people who are still patitioning the UN to change the Calandar.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I been busy but you don't complain
I wonder if noone complains because no one reads,
or if your all just such a bunch of laid back hip cats that it's all just ease..y
you never comment yet those hits aren't all me
so who else is hanging out in these trees.
music of the moment let's play tracks from my MD. Kinnie star And rachelle van Zantin both have new albums out that just don't let your ears put them down. I love michael franti's yell fire and there's some good tracks on Bruce cockburns don't wait call now.
now I am so hyped by a great discovery so here's a poem about FOSS (free open source software)
Free sounds good to me
trip your eyes down the isle and watch the cash register roll , $120, $299, $75, $95
it all adds up to way to much but it's not hard to do
Why should I have to choose when there's another option
Don't Steal it, Don't crack, frack , or hack it.
because you can get something as good or better free
I don't need your "Word", and I'd rather "Gimp" then "photo shop".
Rather then [Exploring the internet] I think I'll ride a "firefox"
you can keep your own "Outlook" I'd rather look at "thunderbird"[s].
my [office is open] come on in and see.
these cd's weren't [created easy], they were [deep burned] by me.
perhaps the best is yet to come I'll open my mind to see
it's a little easyer to do since my wallet can relax with ease
they keep on updating and I don't pay a sent
Guess I ought to take a look at the "dapper drake" or that fedora
and there is still [ad's I'm aware] of and can "search and destroy".
boy this is looking easy and there's thousands of people developing all these good toys.
less hackers and virus then if I followed the pack
sweet games like "plane shift" and "Savage" actualy come free of charge,
and they work on linux a marvel of a marv..
now the best of the best in my eyes at least i has some Audacity
a sound editor thats open source and doesn't cost me my mouse arm.
so the lack of costs is great but the freedom to do what I want
is what makes it truly free. Even If I can't code there's no cla$$ limiting.
Ok weather the poam is any good is questionable but it's a new joy. software that I can afford and that is also free is really freeing. I mean I can afford to play a MMORPG(plane shift), edit photo's I take, and edit Audio, interviews & poems I've recorded with my MD.
or if your all just such a bunch of laid back hip cats that it's all just ease..y
you never comment yet those hits aren't all me
so who else is hanging out in these trees.
music of the moment let's play tracks from my MD. Kinnie star And rachelle van Zantin both have new albums out that just don't let your ears put them down. I love michael franti's yell fire and there's some good tracks on Bruce cockburns don't wait call now.
now I am so hyped by a great discovery so here's a poem about FOSS (free open source software)
Free sounds good to me
trip your eyes down the isle and watch the cash register roll , $120, $299, $75, $95
it all adds up to way to much but it's not hard to do
Why should I have to choose when there's another option
Don't Steal it, Don't crack, frack , or hack it.
because you can get something as good or better free
I don't need your "Word", and I'd rather "Gimp" then "photo shop".
Rather then [Exploring the internet] I think I'll ride a "firefox"
you can keep your own "Outlook" I'd rather look at "thunderbird"[s].
my [office is open] come on in and see.
these cd's weren't [created easy], they were [deep burned] by me.
perhaps the best is yet to come I'll open my mind to see
it's a little easyer to do since my wallet can relax with ease
they keep on updating and I don't pay a sent
Guess I ought to take a look at the "dapper drake" or that fedora
and there is still [ad's I'm aware] of and can "search and destroy".
boy this is looking easy and there's thousands of people developing all these good toys.
less hackers and virus then if I followed the pack
sweet games like "plane shift" and "Savage" actualy come free of charge,
and they work on linux a marvel of a marv..
now the best of the best in my eyes at least i has some Audacity
a sound editor thats open source and doesn't cost me my mouse arm.
so the lack of costs is great but the freedom to do what I want
is what makes it truly free. Even If I can't code there's no cla$$ limiting.
Ok weather the poam is any good is questionable but it's a new joy. software that I can afford and that is also free is really freeing. I mean I can afford to play a MMORPG(plane shift), edit photo's I take, and edit Audio, interviews & poems I've recorded with my MD.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
poetry later links now
here's some neat biking quotes
and this is Another blog from someone I know very kitty she called it "blog title no friggin idea"
o yea that's it for now. new pic coming soon.
and this is Another blog from someone I know very kitty she called it "blog title no friggin idea"
o yea that's it for now. new pic coming soon.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
poetry the muse is life, song the muse is child
A song for owen,
There is infinite love in the eyes of a child
infinite love for us all
there is infinete love in the eyes of a child
for every man woman boy and girl
There is true forgiveness in a babys smile
for all the wrongs that were ever done
true forgiveness in a babys smile
why are they the only ones
There is hope and peace in the eyes of a child
hope and peace for the world
there is trully hope for peace in the eyes of a child
now if only adults could learn
now if only adults could learn
I wrote that for my son, well watching him smiling lieing on the floor, he likes to hear me sing, he turns my poetry into song. it's also a good way to calm him down or put him to sleep. on August 26 i wrote it so it counts for last weeks writing
now this weeks poem. this next poem is a ....
Spontanious poetry explosion
fear, love, verbs, pizza
coffey, black as night sweet as juxtaposition
The storm of Stones (skule-thume) will punch you in the face with the force of an axe
1d6 to be egsact
my mind shatters on the keys
I don't owe you anything For I'm not drinking Tee.
BUt I still pay you with the Tapping of this saver of trees
I sapose I'm going nowhere, and spelling the words wrong too
Does that mean I' took the wrong turn going nowhere
and ended up at somewhere soon
If you try to analise my lines
Go ahead it'll break the kindness of your lies
For you'd be putting more thought in your reinterpretation
then I ever put in mine.
It's all just words but hay I guess it's good enough for 35 minutes past yesterday
I'm living in tomorow anyway
Peace love joy
the toys of the true world are are rotting on the streets of the poor
well they wandur on the pedways above crying
greed, hate, destroy
Don't touch the ground
just get in your car and drive
I'll be on my bike
Putting my foot Down at Every second street light
this thought train can not be derailed for it was never on the track in the first place
words are only powerfull when they strike a note in your brain
keep on writing, give more words lives.
There is infinite love in the eyes of a child
infinite love for us all
there is infinete love in the eyes of a child
for every man woman boy and girl
There is true forgiveness in a babys smile
for all the wrongs that were ever done
true forgiveness in a babys smile
why are they the only ones
There is hope and peace in the eyes of a child
hope and peace for the world
there is trully hope for peace in the eyes of a child
now if only adults could learn
now if only adults could learn
I wrote that for my son, well watching him smiling lieing on the floor, he likes to hear me sing, he turns my poetry into song. it's also a good way to calm him down or put him to sleep. on August 26 i wrote it so it counts for last weeks writing
now this weeks poem. this next poem is a ....
Spontanious poetry explosion
fear, love, verbs, pizza
coffey, black as night sweet as juxtaposition
The storm of Stones (skule-thume) will punch you in the face with the force of an axe
1d6 to be egsact
my mind shatters on the keys
I don't owe you anything For I'm not drinking Tee.
BUt I still pay you with the Tapping of this saver of trees
I sapose I'm going nowhere, and spelling the words wrong too
Does that mean I' took the wrong turn going nowhere
and ended up at somewhere soon
If you try to analise my lines
Go ahead it'll break the kindness of your lies
For you'd be putting more thought in your reinterpretation
then I ever put in mine.
It's all just words but hay I guess it's good enough for 35 minutes past yesterday
I'm living in tomorow anyway
Peace love joy
the toys of the true world are are rotting on the streets of the poor
well they wandur on the pedways above crying
greed, hate, destroy
Don't touch the ground
just get in your car and drive
I'll be on my bike
Putting my foot Down at Every second street light
this thought train can not be derailed for it was never on the track in the first place
words are only powerfull when they strike a note in your brain
keep on writing, give more words lives.
Monday, August 14, 2006
inspiration in blue bloom
Picked a flower from a patch of blue
I belive it was a pack of pansys all in bloom
planted in a planter the unnatural way
every flower all the same.
picked it and caried it as I went on my way
just that one flower brought a smile to my day
I wonder what it would look like to a honey bee
for in ultraviolet I cannot see
I brought it with me and then squashed it flat
between the pages of a note book I have
now that bee can never see
blue vains navy bloom, baby blue petals and a dark heart.
but I can show this beauty for the world to see
in words or in pictures time will
show me.
the art of pressing a flower is kind of like capturing a thought a feeling or a moment in poetry. you get something but it is never a true representationof the origenal.
if you like poetry there's a festival coming up so support your poets and see them live.
for more info go to
I added the side pictures after the fact, origenaly there only was one flower, however I pressed it wrong and it ripped. so I pressed these four, to show you.
I belive it was a pack of pansys all in bloom

planted in a planter the unnatural way
every flower all the same.
picked it and caried it as I went on my way
just that one flower brought a smile to my day
I wonder what it would look like to a honey bee
for in ultraviolet I cannot see
I brought it with me and then squashed it flat
between the pages of a note book I have
now that bee can never see
blue vains navy bloom, baby blue petals and a dark heart.
but I can show this beauty for the world to see
in words or in pictures time will

the art of pressing a flower is kind of like capturing a thought a feeling or a moment in poetry. you get something but it is never a true representationof the origenal.
if you like poetry there's a festival coming up so support your poets and see them live.
for more info go to
I added the side pictures after the fact, origenaly there only was one flower, however I pressed it wrong and it ripped. so I pressed these four, to show you.
Friday, July 28, 2006
I missed my poem last week, and need one for this week, And I'll be far to the north of computer access, nevermind internet next week. So that's 3 weeks worth of poems, in one post.
so three poems, each poem having three lines, each line having three sylables.
so three poems, each poem having three lines, each line having three sylables.
Cloudey Day
Sun shines through
Rain may bless
Balance Stone
not alone
resting mind
Walking free
Beside thee
soon loves Tied
Cloudey Day
Sun shines through
Rain may bless
Balance Stone
not alone
resting mind
Walking free
Beside thee
soon loves Tied
so was that a good idea or an artistic cop out. Any way heres some info on three.
In norse mythology the world tree Yggdrasil has three roots One reaches into the underworld Hel another to the world of the Frost-Giants, and the last one to the world of human beings.
3 is also the number of lines in each tri gram that makes up the hexagrams of The I ching (the book of changes). speaking of changes three is also the number of magor changes I've gone through this year. Bought a home, became a father, soon I will become a husband.
Oak, ash, and thorn were called the faery triad of trees. Where they grow together,it is still said that faeries live.
for more in three's here's three websites about three
the symbolism of three in spirituality
Significance of the number 3 in fairy tales
The Book of Threes
the weekend consists of three days So have a good three days. I'm going to go eat one of my main three meals a day.
In norse mythology the world tree Yggdrasil has three roots One reaches into the underworld Hel another to the world of the Frost-Giants, and the last one to the world of human beings.
3 is also the number of lines in each tri gram that makes up the hexagrams of The I ching (the book of changes). speaking of changes three is also the number of magor changes I've gone through this year. Bought a home, became a father, soon I will become a husband.
Oak, ash, and thorn were called the faery triad of trees. Where they grow together,it is still said that faeries live.
for more in three's here's three websites about three
the symbolism of three in spirituality
Significance of the number 3 in fairy tales
The Book of Threes
the weekend consists of three days So have a good three days. I'm going to go eat one of my main three meals a day.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Lines in our minds
The river divides because it takes time
to cross the river
But you have to cross the river and find your way there
or your way back home
The river divides it's an imagenary line
Imagenary lines
you dont see them- All the time
Only when there drawn on maps
Yet wars are fought and people die
All because of the imagenary lines
No one owns the world were only living here
ought to erase the lines
Would that take away the fear and the hate.
if the lines were not there would everything be great?
Where would we be without the lines?
Would could we still be...
Would we be Canadian, or just people of the one earth
Who's laws would apply, skin colour would it matter
What about place of birth
Would the mountains and the rivers
matter more or less
How would Civilazations, communities, and Cultures Divide
or Survive?
If there were no invisible lines
Are the borders truly only in our minds?
to cross the river
But you have to cross the river and find your way there
or your way back home
The river divides it's an imagenary line
Imagenary lines
you dont see them- All the time
Only when there drawn on maps
Yet wars are fought and people die
All because of the imagenary lines
No one owns the world were only living here
ought to erase the lines
Would that take away the fear and the hate.
if the lines were not there would everything be great?
Where would we be without the lines?
Would could we still be...
Would we be Canadian, or just people of the one earth
Who's laws would apply, skin colour would it matter
What about place of birth
Would the mountains and the rivers
matter more or less
How would Civilazations, communities, and Cultures Divide
or Survive?
If there were no invisible lines
Are the borders truly only in our minds?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
rant revolution no solution
boy do I have a lot to say tonight, the poems will have to wait!
I've been trying to understand what's going on. well tonight I found a tool Listen to the CBC, BBC or any other news read the front page, The sand is red Muddy with the blood but they only tell you what just happened yesterday, the news is too fresh to explain it takes too long to go into the history of what the *(%* is going on in the middle east. So after some internet searching I found some answers .
mid east web Has a lot of answers. it is a website who's purpose it to explain the situation to open it for conversation and understanding with hopes of peace.
it has maps it has essays and articles inteligent and as far as I can tell unbiased. it's well worth checking out but if you want my sumation wrap up of the entire situation in the middle east. It is all about invisible lines. and religious diferences. This relates to the poem I'll post later.
Went to "poet tree" tonight it was more then all right. some realy skilled poets reading open mike at the naked cyber cafe on Jasper ave. I was told it happens once a mounth on a sunday, between 8-10pm though tonight it started at 8:30-8:45 ish and was going strong when I left at 10 to ten. So I wrote tonights poem to read there. Went on my break which is from 8-10 so Ideal in theory but ended up having to leave before I got to read. So next time.
a few other things this one is religious The church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster well wroth a read if you have not heard about it yet.
and At sometime this week I have to write up a rant concerning pedestrians vs bikes vs cars. becasue were all just trying to get somewhere so let's find a compromise and share the road/sidewalk. I'm sick of Bikes not belonging eather place. and cycalists giving us a bad name by not signaling being rude or just plain stupid. Don't blame all cycalists for the actions of the few. not all drivers are blind fools who pass half a foot away and not all pedestrians are deaf slow and rude people who stand in the street yelling at you for not ringing your bell when you just did. but I'll save that rant for another day needless to say we need not judge all by the acts of the many.
that's all for this rant.
PS I will get the pics up that go with last weeks poem one of these days.
I've been trying to understand what's going on. well tonight I found a tool Listen to the CBC, BBC or any other news read the front page, The sand is red Muddy with the blood but they only tell you what just happened yesterday, the news is too fresh to explain it takes too long to go into the history of what the *(%* is going on in the middle east. So after some internet searching I found some answers .
mid east web Has a lot of answers. it is a website who's purpose it to explain the situation to open it for conversation and understanding with hopes of peace.
it has maps it has essays and articles inteligent and as far as I can tell unbiased. it's well worth checking out but if you want my sumation wrap up of the entire situation in the middle east. It is all about invisible lines. and religious diferences. This relates to the poem I'll post later.
Went to "poet tree" tonight it was more then all right. some realy skilled poets reading open mike at the naked cyber cafe on Jasper ave. I was told it happens once a mounth on a sunday, between 8-10pm though tonight it started at 8:30-8:45 ish and was going strong when I left at 10 to ten. So I wrote tonights poem to read there. Went on my break which is from 8-10 so Ideal in theory but ended up having to leave before I got to read. So next time.
a few other things this one is religious The church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster well wroth a read if you have not heard about it yet.
and At sometime this week I have to write up a rant concerning pedestrians vs bikes vs cars. becasue were all just trying to get somewhere so let's find a compromise and share the road/sidewalk. I'm sick of Bikes not belonging eather place. and cycalists giving us a bad name by not signaling being rude or just plain stupid. Don't blame all cycalists for the actions of the few. not all drivers are blind fools who pass half a foot away and not all pedestrians are deaf slow and rude people who stand in the street yelling at you for not ringing your bell when you just did. but I'll save that rant for another day needless to say we need not judge all by the acts of the many.
that's all for this rant.
PS I will get the pics up that go with last weeks poem one of these days.
Monday, July 10, 2006
meditations on mountain biking
I think I might create a religion
something to keep my soul fresh, clean and close to the earth.
Don't think I'm looking for a stool pigion
for the problems of my planet of birth.
Call it the church of the valley, or maybe singletrack for the soul
the path can be kind of narrow, but it travels all over my world
It has lot's of dirt to keep you grounded
Trees keep you going the right way.
the sun and the moon, the mighty river that divides
find a bridge and get to see the other side.
Don't think I need a prophet, I'm not in it for the cash
Plenty of wise people to learn from so think of them like gears,
Shift up, shift down there's a reason why there words are kept around
click it down into budda, or Dala lama to climb a mighty hill
then switch into Jesus to get you past that killer Thrill.
When your not riding, read good books
Because there's more then one, thats worth taking a look
now on a slightly serious side, remember to enjoy the ride
get out, and get down away from concrete city sound
fill your lungs with clean green air, that's why plant are there.
make sure you stop and look at the view,
wild roses, fresh green leaves, a mist of popler fluff on the side of the road
the way the rocks shine, roots grow and how the river flows.
Think I'll Jump on my bike and go for a ride
If you wanna come with me it'll be a good time
The rest of the crew include some great friends of mine
The creator above, mother earth and father sky,
the chariot Sun, mother moon, the green man, raven and nature my guide.
Some times I'll pay my respects when I'm getting on my way
Smudge some sweetgrass, copel and a little sage
Watch the smoke drift into the sky at the end of the day
something to keep my soul fresh, clean and close to the earth.
Don't think I'm looking for a stool pigion
for the problems of my planet of birth.
Call it the church of the valley, or maybe singletrack for the soul
the path can be kind of narrow, but it travels all over my world
It has lot's of dirt to keep you grounded
Trees keep you going the right way.
the sun and the moon, the mighty river that divides
find a bridge and get to see the other side.
Don't think I need a prophet, I'm not in it for the cash
Plenty of wise people to learn from so think of them like gears,
Shift up, shift down there's a reason why there words are kept around
click it down into budda, or Dala lama to climb a mighty hill
then switch into Jesus to get you past that killer Thrill.
When your not riding, read good books
Because there's more then one, thats worth taking a look
now on a slightly serious side, remember to enjoy the ride
get out, and get down away from concrete city sound
fill your lungs with clean green air, that's why plant are there.
make sure you stop and look at the view,
wild roses, fresh green leaves, a mist of popler fluff on the side of the road
the way the rocks shine, roots grow and how the river flows.
Think I'll Jump on my bike and go for a ride
If you wanna come with me it'll be a good time
The rest of the crew include some great friends of mine
The creator above, mother earth and father sky,
the chariot Sun, mother moon, the green man, raven and nature my guide.
Some times I'll pay my respects when I'm getting on my way
Smudge some sweetgrass, copel and a little sage
Watch the smoke drift into the sky at the end of the day
Sunday, July 02, 2006
One poem a week. Thats the plan, so let us begin. with this. Written last night well I was holding Owen in my arms. It's kind of hard to write with a one month old baby kicking your arm. But my ink is still legable on the page. Once it's on here anyone can read it clearly.
Memories and Metaphores
Created side by side
Sitting up at night
Holding on to the sun
My Sons mirror eyes
Staring back at me
What does he see
Spilled Champaign apon the floor
Did not ruin Romance
Relax and let the bubbles blossem and Burst
Quench a different thirst
Riding river valley sheltered singletrack
Popler fluff creates
solid mist on the shoulders of the trail
Wild Rubbarb stretches for the suns rays
Each giant leaf Faithfully grasps
The drops of day the trees let through
If only I could bring you with me
If you could see how blessed we be
creating beautiful memories and metaphores.
Memories and Metaphores
Created side by side
Sitting up at night
Holding on to the sun
My Sons mirror eyes
Staring back at me
What does he see
Spilled Champaign apon the floor
Did not ruin Romance
Relax and let the bubbles blossem and Burst
Quench a different thirst
Riding river valley sheltered singletrack
Popler fluff creates
solid mist on the shoulders of the trail
Wild Rubbarb stretches for the suns rays
Each giant leaf Faithfully grasps
The drops of day the trees let through
If only I could bring you with me
If you could see how blessed we be
creating beautiful memories and metaphores.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
This top picture is A three generation picture. My Dad me And Owen



Just a few pictures of my Son, Owen Christopher. born may 29 at 8:14, he is a big lad 9lb 15oz and 22 inches long. I will post more later but for now I'd like you to welcome Owen to the show.
That crazzy critter in the last picture is Coconut Our wee Ferret.




That crazzy critter in the last picture is Coconut Our wee Ferret.
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Heromachine is a cool little online free sample program of Heromachine 2. I used it to make this charactor portrait.
It does not have everything I want it to. IE I don't like the short sword but it was the only one they had. but it's the free sample program. I think it's pretty cool.
Needs more poses too.
Friday, April 07, 2006
I just listened to Ben Harpers Morning yearning off of both sides of the gun. It's a beatiful song and strangly aproprete for 5am. When I'm wanting to go home to my future wife and soon to be mother of my child.
the last two stansas of the song our just beautiful
this put me in the mind to write with the realisation that
I'm waiting
I'm waiting
to learn well the time it turns
and Soon I'm going to be a father
I'm waiting to see
what it means to me when I hold it in my arms
I can't express how it feels in my chest
And I'm waiting for the words
There's tears behind my eye's but I don't want to cry
because Then I can't see the skys, or the ink on the page.
So I'm waiting to realise to release with a sigh
and let go
I'm waiting to be next to you
My future is closer my feelings are true.
there's a lump in my throat that won't die
So I'm waiting to realise
I'm waiting for her pain to go away
for the creation of a brand new day
I'm waiting with pride and with joy
for the new baby girl or boy
I'm waiting for the truth that is spring
and everything that it will bring
fitting in with the cyle of seasons
there is, there is a reason
I'm waiting in a curious mode
it's like standing on the edge of my toes
my heart feels like it's ready to burst
not like a ballon but like a flower at first
inside the seed then inside the closed bud or blossem
I can feel the changes inside and around me
and the feeling is awesome.
I'm waiting to relax with two heads on my chest
I think this is pure bliss with an x
Exclamation or exaltation
something that says it best
I'm waiting
To find out what comes next
For I dont know what to expect
So I guess I'll just wait with my smile intact
I'm waiting for Berkano
I'm waiting for birth
the last two stansas of the song our just beautiful
Another day, another chance to get it right
must I still be learning
baby crying kept us up all night
with her morning yearning
Like a summer rose, I'm a victum of the fall
but am still returning
your love's the warmest place the
sun ever shines
my morning yearning
this put me in the mind to write with the realisation that
I'm waiting
I'm waiting
to learn well the time it turns
and Soon I'm going to be a father
I'm waiting to see
what it means to me when I hold it in my arms
I can't express how it feels in my chest
And I'm waiting for the words
There's tears behind my eye's but I don't want to cry
because Then I can't see the skys, or the ink on the page.
So I'm waiting to realise to release with a sigh
and let go
I'm waiting to be next to you
My future is closer my feelings are true.
there's a lump in my throat that won't die
So I'm waiting to realise
I'm waiting for her pain to go away
for the creation of a brand new day
I'm waiting with pride and with joy
for the new baby girl or boy
I'm waiting for the truth that is spring
and everything that it will bring
fitting in with the cyle of seasons
there is, there is a reason
I'm waiting in a curious mode
it's like standing on the edge of my toes
my heart feels like it's ready to burst
not like a ballon but like a flower at first
inside the seed then inside the closed bud or blossem
I can feel the changes inside and around me
and the feeling is awesome.
I'm waiting to relax with two heads on my chest
I think this is pure bliss with an x
Exclamation or exaltation
something that says it best
I'm waiting
To find out what comes next
For I dont know what to expect
So I guess I'll just wait with my smile intact
I'm waiting for Berkano
I'm waiting for birth
Monday, March 27, 2006
Charactor for encounters in eberon
Here's the charactor I'm going to be playing in The PBP game encounters in eberon
His charactor sheet is here
Feuer Obsidian
"My name is Feuer obsidian, you are welcome to sit by this fire"
Uses the spear tip of his urgosh to knock the wood down before adding more. This causes sparks to rise up in front of his face
"So you have come here to learn my history, I Suppose after all that has happened, and you being who you are you have a right to know. I may find it hard to tell at points but once I start don't interupt, it's been a long time since I thought about my past, and the memorys burn like blue flame."
I grew up in a medeum sized dwarven hold, My family was good to me and father worked the mines with pride. My mother was one of our best traders. When i Was young about 17 I made friends with the Smith, he took me in and Aprenticed me. My main job was to work his bellows, and watch and learn. I loved working beside that forge learning how to keep the fire at the right temperature, it's diferent colours and meanings, but I digress. I admit I was no good at metal smithing myself to much of a cluts I supoose. He used to tell me that An ogre zombie would trip less then me.
Mother always made trips to villages, we'd all go aloung to help, When I was about 25 we were going on the first long trip of the year after the thaw. 3 or 4 wagons loaded to the nines. We were attacked ....I don't know who or what attacked us because As I ran to help, the wagon Collapsed. I Was buried under a stack of stones. The wagon caught fire and burned down around me. When I crawled out what ever had attacked us had taken what it wanted and gone, Everyone was dead... my Family slaghterd, that fire had saved my life but It had left me with burn scars on my arms that would never leave. I did not know where I was or what way to go.
I was hungry and in great pain and as Night decended I began to fear that I might never
see Home again. I saw a light in the distance, it flickered. I approched it with caution however the elf who's campfire it was Laughed at my attempt at sneeking. About as silent as an eleaphant you are he told me. He Explained that his fire was mine to share and before the night was over he had taken me in.
The Elf was A priest of "the flame in the night" He healed most of my wounds and After hearing what had happened he took me under his tutalege. For 5 years he taught me the way of the flame, the rituels of the order and the daily life of a priest of the flame. On the night of my 30th birthday The goddes inside the fire, She who is the true flame in the darkness Gave me a gift. She showed me how to produce flame from nothing, to make flames dance on my fingertips and how to hold flame in my hands without burning. using only my prayors.
When I showed the elf he was overjoyed, He said I had been chosen to spread the flame, he said he knew it would happen one day I had been granted the internal flame. He showed me the pipe ritual, how to gather and dry the herbs, mix and prepare them. Then he taught me how to use the internal flame to hurt and to heal. He gave me This holy symbol A silver circle inscribed with a flaming moon. And then he sent me out into the world.
I needed to go back to my home, I longed for the feel of stone walls that were carved. So I set forth for my hold. Aloung the way I shared my campfire with any who would or needed the heat and the light. I taught the way of fire to those who wished to learn. When I finealy got back to the hold of my birth, the smith was awestruck. The news of our caravans destruction had gotten back to the hold and I had been believed dead. He took me back into his service for a number of years. but without the cleaver fingers he controlled I could not be a smith. I could not make beauty in steel. But I learned how to fight with A proper Dwarven urgosh, and convinced the smith to make me a proper suit of armour and a special urgosh that would hold a torch above the axe head. At the age of 42 I set out from the hold, knowing it was not my home any more.
I am still following the way of the flame, and protecting those in need.
Details of his religion "the Flame in the night" will follow as well
Be patiant thank you
His charactor sheet is here
Feuer Obsidian
"My name is Feuer obsidian, you are welcome to sit by this fire"
Uses the spear tip of his urgosh to knock the wood down before adding more. This causes sparks to rise up in front of his face
"So you have come here to learn my history, I Suppose after all that has happened, and you being who you are you have a right to know. I may find it hard to tell at points but once I start don't interupt, it's been a long time since I thought about my past, and the memorys burn like blue flame."
I grew up in a medeum sized dwarven hold, My family was good to me and father worked the mines with pride. My mother was one of our best traders. When i Was young about 17 I made friends with the Smith, he took me in and Aprenticed me. My main job was to work his bellows, and watch and learn. I loved working beside that forge learning how to keep the fire at the right temperature, it's diferent colours and meanings, but I digress. I admit I was no good at metal smithing myself to much of a cluts I supoose. He used to tell me that An ogre zombie would trip less then me.
Mother always made trips to villages, we'd all go aloung to help, When I was about 25 we were going on the first long trip of the year after the thaw. 3 or 4 wagons loaded to the nines. We were attacked ....I don't know who or what attacked us because As I ran to help, the wagon Collapsed. I Was buried under a stack of stones. The wagon caught fire and burned down around me. When I crawled out what ever had attacked us had taken what it wanted and gone, Everyone was dead... my Family slaghterd, that fire had saved my life but It had left me with burn scars on my arms that would never leave. I did not know where I was or what way to go.
I was hungry and in great pain and as Night decended I began to fear that I might never
see Home again. I saw a light in the distance, it flickered. I approched it with caution however the elf who's campfire it was Laughed at my attempt at sneeking. About as silent as an eleaphant you are he told me. He Explained that his fire was mine to share and before the night was over he had taken me in.
The Elf was A priest of "the flame in the night" He healed most of my wounds and After hearing what had happened he took me under his tutalege. For 5 years he taught me the way of the flame, the rituels of the order and the daily life of a priest of the flame. On the night of my 30th birthday The goddes inside the fire, She who is the true flame in the darkness Gave me a gift. She showed me how to produce flame from nothing, to make flames dance on my fingertips and how to hold flame in my hands without burning. using only my prayors.
When I showed the elf he was overjoyed, He said I had been chosen to spread the flame, he said he knew it would happen one day I had been granted the internal flame. He showed me the pipe ritual, how to gather and dry the herbs, mix and prepare them. Then he taught me how to use the internal flame to hurt and to heal. He gave me This holy symbol A silver circle inscribed with a flaming moon. And then he sent me out into the world.
I needed to go back to my home, I longed for the feel of stone walls that were carved. So I set forth for my hold. Aloung the way I shared my campfire with any who would or needed the heat and the light. I taught the way of fire to those who wished to learn. When I finealy got back to the hold of my birth, the smith was awestruck. The news of our caravans destruction had gotten back to the hold and I had been believed dead. He took me back into his service for a number of years. but without the cleaver fingers he controlled I could not be a smith. I could not make beauty in steel. But I learned how to fight with A proper Dwarven urgosh, and convinced the smith to make me a proper suit of armour and a special urgosh that would hold a torch above the axe head. At the age of 42 I set out from the hold, knowing it was not my home any more.
I am still following the way of the flame, and protecting those in need.
Details of his religion "the Flame in the night" will follow as well
Be patiant thank you
Thursday, March 23, 2006
blatent metaphor
I saw a metaphore lieing on the sidewalk today
lieing underneath the coliseum Station overpass
White as the fresh fallen snow egcept for one spot
where it was marred by the colour of road salt.
apon it's broken neck
I saw a metaphore lieing at my feet
I resisted the urge to move it or change it's position
It did not stare at me, it did not move
yet it was powerfull
and True
I saw a metaphore laying broken on the ground
Feathers smooth as sky at least to my eyes
it no longer coo's or makes any noise egcept true silance
but that is muffled by the road, is it two lanes or four?
and what price do we pay for gas?
I stoped to look at a metaphore today
And I write this because most people would have walked by
looking straight ahead at there destination
and missed the message being screamed
but who is screaming?
Please I ask you Remember the Metaphore
(in hounour of the roadkill dove)
lieing underneath the coliseum Station overpass
White as the fresh fallen snow egcept for one spot
where it was marred by the colour of road salt.
apon it's broken neck
I saw a metaphore lieing at my feet
I resisted the urge to move it or change it's position
It did not stare at me, it did not move
yet it was powerfull
and True
I saw a metaphore laying broken on the ground
Feathers smooth as sky at least to my eyes
it no longer coo's or makes any noise egcept true silance
but that is muffled by the road, is it two lanes or four?
and what price do we pay for gas?
I stoped to look at a metaphore today
And I write this because most people would have walked by
looking straight ahead at there destination
and missed the message being screamed
but who is screaming?
Please I ask you Remember the Metaphore
(in hounour of the roadkill dove)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
reason is not logical
The light crawled in through the windows. The dawn sun a lizard just waking and moving slowly because the blood is not yet warm. The earthen floor was packed hard as the bricks that made up the exterior walls of this Dwelling. The inside walls were wood, hand cut with an adze. Sanded and Painted with clear oil. To say the building was rough Would be to compare it to something other then it's current ocupents.
Most of the ocupents ignored the lizard sun, one rooled over and pulled a Dusty brown short brimmed hat over his face, Another kicked the warm blankets off but never woke. Most just let the land of dreams keep them in her pleasent bonds.
There was no furnature in the room, the kitchen held "the Dragon" An old wood cooking stove. All steel and iron with a dusting of cinders and ash. it did not yet glow for it was warm enough that it was only used for cooking.
Sitting infront of the window listening to the birds outside was a tight skinned fellow characterized by the scars on his forearms, Old calsoed over scars that made his skin look thicker there. He wore a blue and black shirt with rolled up sleaves. he was the only one awake in the room, and he seemed to enjoy it that way. of course other people would say Avery was not anti social he'd probly tell you otherwise. unless he wanted something then his tongue was smooth.
Of course until the lizard sun became higher in the sky he was content.
Most of the ocupents ignored the lizard sun, one rooled over and pulled a Dusty brown short brimmed hat over his face, Another kicked the warm blankets off but never woke. Most just let the land of dreams keep them in her pleasent bonds.
There was no furnature in the room, the kitchen held "the Dragon" An old wood cooking stove. All steel and iron with a dusting of cinders and ash. it did not yet glow for it was warm enough that it was only used for cooking.
Sitting infront of the window listening to the birds outside was a tight skinned fellow characterized by the scars on his forearms, Old calsoed over scars that made his skin look thicker there. He wore a blue and black shirt with rolled up sleaves. he was the only one awake in the room, and he seemed to enjoy it that way. of course other people would say Avery was not anti social he'd probly tell you otherwise. unless he wanted something then his tongue was smooth.
Of course until the lizard sun became higher in the sky he was content.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Introducing Dagrmani to the studio
SM) Dagrmani tell us about yourself
D) Call me Dag it'l make both our lives easyer and if you want to call me dagrmani Remember that The Arr is silent.
SM) Ok Dag so would you mind Explaining to the listening audiance where your from? And what all this is about?
D) Well I just finished sailing into mundania from the Scadian Norse lands, I'm reserching Piracy after the viking age and the barony of Borealis in An-tir.
I found some pirete's in an-tir called Beer Bards Privateers
And A couple of great houses.
the lost vikings the fighting raiding type of Viking. You'll find out more about them here

I also found A lesser known household called the Silver talons

Check out both of those sites to learn more.
SM)Well Dag, glad to hear it look stick around we'll talk about this some more once people have had a chance to digest this information.
D) Well If I don't see you before I hope to see you all at winter war. long live the SCA
D) Call me Dag it'l make both our lives easyer and if you want to call me dagrmani Remember that The Arr is silent.
SM) Ok Dag so would you mind Explaining to the listening audiance where your from? And what all this is about?
D) Well I just finished sailing into mundania from the Scadian Norse lands, I'm reserching Piracy after the viking age and the barony of Borealis in An-tir.
I found some pirete's in an-tir called Beer Bards Privateers
And A couple of great houses.
the lost vikings the fighting raiding type of Viking. You'll find out more about them here

I also found A lesser known household called the Silver talons

Check out both of those sites to learn more.
SM)Well Dag, glad to hear it look stick around we'll talk about this some more once people have had a chance to digest this information.
D) Well If I don't see you before I hope to see you all at winter war. long live the SCA
Saturday, March 04, 2006
from the crossroads we ride the route
Where do we go from here, What is the direction of the compass , It spins as if it was sitting on a magnet.
I've been reading what I will call modern fantasy recently.
"Tithe" (Author forgotten) Amazing Dark fairie book With All the trapings of the modern world.
I just borrowed and read Neil Gaimen's "Neverwhere" I also Watched "Mirror mask" I really do like Neil's work.
I'm reading as I write this the sequal to "running with the demon" "A knight of the Word" By Terry brooks It's great so far. I read "Running with the demon" directly after reading tithe.
In the past I've read a lot, I really mean A lot of books... all styles . But this modern Urban dark fantasy streak is really good.
So I was wondering, Does any one ever read this. If so when, Why? What do you like. Am I Entertaining? Do you Want me to write poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction. Do you want Music?
How about pictures? links...? news stories? My life ....Other people's?
The reason I'm not posting is because...your not posting.
So let me know what you dig. We'll see what sort of treasure you can help me uncover.
I've been reading what I will call modern fantasy recently.
"Tithe" (Author forgotten) Amazing Dark fairie book With All the trapings of the modern world.
I just borrowed and read Neil Gaimen's "Neverwhere" I also Watched "Mirror mask" I really do like Neil's work.
I'm reading as I write this the sequal to "running with the demon" "A knight of the Word" By Terry brooks It's great so far. I read "Running with the demon" directly after reading tithe.
In the past I've read a lot, I really mean A lot of books... all styles . But this modern Urban dark fantasy streak is really good.
So I was wondering, Does any one ever read this. If so when, Why? What do you like. Am I Entertaining? Do you Want me to write poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction. Do you want Music?
How about pictures? links...? news stories? My life ....Other people's?
The reason I'm not posting is because...your not posting.
So let me know what you dig. We'll see what sort of treasure you can help me uncover.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Web comics are addictive, Caffine is Go.OO.oD

This is a addictive little site check it out, But Be Warrned
I sugeest Juathuur, by katie sweet it's a neat little drama filled magical world with great art and a lot of cool characters
and for a great laugh Norm and cory about two critters(a red squirl and a chipmunk) who are learning the art of human knowledge and changing the forest kingdom as they do. The bear who thinks he's a squirl is the best! by Andrew Kaiko
Also special school by Andy Mason has it's good points.
Spider forest I believe is right to the left of Elf Wood(same idea anyway) the art website(check it out from my links) so If you like comics these web comics are for you! waste some time lots of time and best of all there free. check them out tell me which ones you think are great.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Are abandoned bicycle art

This is a neat little page I found. It talks about and shows some neat picture's of Abandoned bicycles as art.
alot of
my faverite is the last one this was just incredable
Just more proof that If given enough time mother nature would reclaim the relics of our society enjoy
Monday, January 16, 2006
A new digital camara
Friday, January 13, 2006
Comunication Breakdown
Ok I have been latent in my blogging, since November oh my. Any way let's get this show on the road.
Should we start with A song or those phone's. Ringing off the hook ok We'll talk music after these three callars.
"Caller one you'r on the air ' live across the universe being brodcast, from the treetop transmitter. Caller" (Dead AIR)
"Caller are you there" (Dead AIR)
"ok let's go to caller two, caller one is shy" -This is a pre-recorded spam anouncement to ask you to please perticipate in a survay about unwanted E-mail/fake comments, please press 1 to continue
"omm ok I'm hanging up thanks for the mental pollution of my air waves"
Caller 3 your on the air (dead air/Blank comment box)
Ok enough of that You get the point I want to hear from you. drop me a line in the latst comment box. This station is on the air are you listening. Let's play some upbeat happy music
Off of a great new Album by John Fogerty (CCR's front man and songwriter) were going to have a tripple play the songs are "The old man down the road", followed by "Deja vu(all over again)" and last we will have "Run through the jungle" all of these are on The long road home by John Fogerty and There all Protest songs.
Well I have to go run My Jolly Rodger up the mast and Sail on. Till next time
may peace ride with you.
Should we start with A song or those phone's. Ringing off the hook ok We'll talk music after these three callars.
"Caller one you'r on the air ' live across the universe being brodcast, from the treetop transmitter. Caller" (Dead AIR)
"Caller are you there" (Dead AIR)
"ok let's go to caller two, caller one is shy" -This is a pre-recorded spam anouncement to ask you to please perticipate in a survay about unwanted E-mail/fake comments, please press 1 to continue
"omm ok I'm hanging up thanks for the mental pollution of my air waves"
Caller 3 your on the air (dead air/Blank comment box)
Ok enough of that You get the point I want to hear from you. drop me a line in the latst comment box. This station is on the air are you listening. Let's play some upbeat happy music
Off of a great new Album by John Fogerty (CCR's front man and songwriter) were going to have a tripple play the songs are "The old man down the road", followed by "Deja vu(all over again)" and last we will have "Run through the jungle" all of these are on The long road home by John Fogerty and There all Protest songs.
Well I have to go run My Jolly Rodger up the mast and Sail on. Till next time
may peace ride with you.
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