Thursday, March 23, 2006

blatent metaphor

I saw a metaphore lieing on the sidewalk today
lieing underneath the coliseum Station overpass
White as the fresh fallen snow egcept for one spot
where it was marred by the colour of road salt.
apon it's broken neck

I saw a metaphore lieing at my feet
I resisted the urge to move it or change it's position
It did not stare at me, it did not move
yet it was powerfull
and True

I saw a metaphore laying broken on the ground
Feathers smooth as sky at least to my eyes
it no longer coo's or makes any noise egcept true silance
but that is muffled by the road, is it two lanes or four?
and what price do we pay for gas?

I stoped to look at a metaphore today
And I write this because most people would have walked by
looking straight ahead at there destination
and missed the message being screamed
but who is screaming?

Please I ask you Remember the Metaphore
(in hounour of the roadkill dove)

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