Saturday, March 04, 2006

from the crossroads we ride the route

Where do we go from here, What is the direction of the compass , It spins as if it was sitting on a magnet.

I've been reading what I will call modern fantasy recently.

"Tithe" (Author forgotten) Amazing Dark fairie book With All the trapings of the modern world.
I just borrowed and read Neil Gaimen's "Neverwhere" I also Watched "Mirror mask" I really do like Neil's work.

I'm reading as I write this the sequal to "running with the demon" "A knight of the Word" By Terry brooks It's great so far. I read "Running with the demon" directly after reading tithe.

In the past I've read a lot, I really mean A lot of books... all styles . But this modern Urban dark fantasy streak is really good.

So I was wondering, Does any one ever read this. If so when, Why? What do you like. Am I Entertaining? Do you Want me to write poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction. Do you want Music?

How about pictures? links...? news stories? My life ....Other people's?

The reason I'm not posting is because...your not posting.

So let me know what you dig. We'll see what sort of treasure you can help me uncover.

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