Friday, January 13, 2006

Comunication Breakdown

Ok I have been latent in my blogging, since November oh my. Any way let's get this show on the road.

Should we start with A song or those phone's. Ringing off the hook ok We'll talk music after these three callars.

"Caller one you'r on the air ' live across the universe being brodcast, from the treetop transmitter. Caller" (Dead AIR)
"Caller are you there"
(Dead AIR)
"ok let's go to caller two, caller one is shy" -This is a pre-recorded spam anouncement to ask you to please perticipate in a survay about unwanted E-mail/fake comments, please press 1 to continue

"omm ok I'm hanging up thanks for the mental pollution of my air waves"
Caller 3 your on the air (dead air/Blank comment box)

Ok enough of that You get the point I want to hear from you. drop me a line in the latst comment box. This station is on the air are you listening. Let's play some upbeat happy music

Off of a great new Album by John Fogerty (CCR's front man and songwriter) were going to have a tripple play the songs are "The old man down the road", followed by "Deja vu(all over again)" and last we will have "Run through the jungle" all of these are on The long road home by John Fogerty and There all Protest songs.

Well I have to go run My Jolly Rodger up the mast and Sail on. Till next time

may peace ride with you.

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