Saturday, March 11, 2006

Introducing Dagrmani to the studio

SM) Dagrmani tell us about yourself

D) Call me Dag it'l make both our lives easyer and if you want to call me dagrmani Remember that The Arr is silent.

SM) Ok Dag so would you mind Explaining to the listening audiance where your from? And what all this is about?

D) Well I just finished sailing into mundania from the Scadian Norse lands, I'm reserching Piracy after the viking age and the barony of Borealis in An-tir.

I found some pirete's in an-tir called Beer Bards Privateers

And A couple of great houses.

the lost vikings the fighting raiding type of Viking. You'll find out more about them here

I also found A lesser known household called the Silver talons

Check out both of those sites to learn more.

SM)Well Dag, glad to hear it look stick around we'll talk about this some more once people have had a chance to digest this information.

D) Well If I don't see you before I hope to see you all at winter war. long live the SCA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm slightly confused to this formatt as I haven't really gone through everything here yet but... good links, nice blog ^_^

*runs away screaming for no apparent reason*